1. Inclusivity: Your mission emphasizes the promotion of understanding and breaking down barriers. This suggests a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment for both businesses and customers, with a focus on diversity and acceptance.
  2. Empowerment: The mission statement mentions empowering both businesses and customers. This suggests a commitment to providing tools, resources, and support that enable individuals and enterprises to contribute to and benefit from a more inclusive community.
  3. Community Building: The mention of a “truly inclusive community” suggests a value placed on community building. Your company sees itself as a platform that unites a diverse range of enterprises under the common goal of inclusivity, fostering a sense of community among businesses and customers.
  4. Transparency: The service of verifying companies as LGBTQIA+ friendly indicates a commitment to transparency. This implies a value placed on providing accurate and reliable information to users, promoting trust and confidence in the directory.
  5. Diversity: The mention of showcasing a wide range of enterprises, from local businesses to national corporations, indicates a commitment to diversity. This suggests that your company values businesses of all sizes and types, contributing to a more diverse and representative platform.
  6. Social Responsibility: By focusing on LGBTQIA+ friendly verification, your company demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility. This implies a value placed on contributing to a more inclusive and accepting society by recognizing and promoting businesses that support the LGBTQIA+ community.